Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Love Thy Neighbour – Felicious Felicia is back!

Felicia stepped into the studio once again today for the imaging of Love Thy Neighbour 四个门牌一个梦! Making the most of her school holidays, she will be filming the drama from now until August!

She plays 王天胡, 26 years old. She’s quick and witty, but unfortunately doesnt put her talents to good use. Together with her father 王大发 (played by veteran Ha Yu 夏雨), they form a tag team who go around conning people! One of her unsuspecting victims is 叶孟 played by Shaun Chen. Tian Hu also hates her name because it’s so girly, so she calls herself 王天古月 instead. Haha, super cute.

She was nursing a really bad flu, and had a sore throat that gave her a sexy husky voice. That however didn’t stop her from spontaneously doing a star jump for us!

This show also features the ever-awesome Aileen Tan as an ah-lian “Lucy”. Check out her drawerful of BLING.

When Aileen saw Felicia, she immediately welcomed her back with a hug, “it’s so good to see you again, dear!”. The morning was also filled with random production people saying warm hellos to Felicia!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Meet The Parents: Female celebs you can bring home to mum

Mother’s Day weekend special: we present to you our pick of celebrities who, we think, make the perfect girl that you can take home to mother, and you know she’ll be met with approval

From time to time, it's always good wholesome fun to step out of reality and play make-believe - like, pretending you are dating a gorgeous movie star or a funny and cute pop idol!

In the first of our two-part series of celebs you can bring home to meet the folks, we look at 10 ideal female celebrities you could take home to impress mother and maybe even share a meal or two together.

Be sure to stay tuned for the second and final part of this "Meet The Parents" series. Coming up in June is Father's Day, and you know exactly what's in store, don't you?

Felicia Chin

She was a Caldecott Hill princess and now a full-time student, no mother could hate a girl this sweet and bright. If mum is cool about all the gossips of her plastic surgery, this sweet-faced girl is perfect to bring home. Benevolent and affable, her cheery disposition is so infectious it's hard not to take a liking to the well-liked former actress.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

陈靓瑄 Felicia Chin’s comeback drama 2011

Yes, Felicia Chin has gladly agreed to make a comeback to Channel 8′s drama this September in ‘Love Thy Neighbour 四个门牌一个梦’. In this dramedy, she is the lead actress as 王天胡, a 机灵鬼马、能言善道、聪明伶俐、诡计多端,不过心地善良,对老人家有爱心的小混混,有时会做些散工,主要以骗术为生。天胡从小在父亲大发的耳濡目染下,也是偷拐诈骗,却青出于蓝。天胡痛恨自己的名字,干脆给自己叫做“王天古月”。天胡对音乐有天份,喜欢打鼓,可是却有表演障碍,只敢在房间才敢放声歌唱打鼓,后来叶孟将她的表演放上you-tube,才让她一炮而红,改变命运。

First lead actor’s role goes to Hong Kong Best Actor Ha Yu 夏雨 who plays her father 王大发, 天胡的父亲,算命江湖佬,也是以骗术为生。有急智,风趣幽默,嗜赌如命,为筹赌本到处行骗,对天胡疼爱有加。大发好赌,为筹赌本不惜到处行骗,一有机会就借机敛财,把一班邻里耍得团团转。大发明明是把老婆如意赌输掉,却骗天胡说是如意好赌,把自己赌输掉,让天胡痛恨自己的母亲如意。大发有个红颜知己露西,露西对大发有意,可是大发担心连累她,又愧对如意,无法忘情,不敢接受露西的情意。大发后来为自己的行为付出代价。

Their neighbours include Shaun Chen 陈泓宇 as 来自东马技师,有一副好身手,又天生异禀,力大无穷,可以一以敌十。可是由于担心伤到人,遇事总是以和为贵。

Newly crowned Top 10 Most Popular Actor Huang Wen Yong 黄文永 plays a 愤世嫉俗,牢骚多多,口头禅是“如果给我做政府。。。”。由于教练的工作被来自海外的人才取代,国忠被逼提早退休,因而对外来移民的政策怨声载道,所以和邻里的关系处于紧绷状态,随时一触即发。对女儿爱上外国人而烦恼,极力反对。Lin Mei Jiao 林梅娇 as his wife , a 喜八卦,好投诉,怕输,典型的摩登阿嫂,外号黄脸婆。与强势的媳妇面和心不和,不满儿子什么都听老婆的,可是怕儿子难做,又不愿意撕破脸,只好暗里斗。由于生活习惯和文化之间的差异,和隔壁的中国邻居闹得水火不容。

Ng Hui 黄慧 plays Mei Jiao’s daughter-in-law Angelina, 性格刚烈,做事一意孤行,脾气强硬,典型跨国公司的采购经理的女强人。Angelina在金钱上善于精打细算,在房价高位时把自住的房子卖掉套 现,为了节省租金不惜搬进组屋与公婆同住,打算等房价回落时再进场。Angelina看不起华文,对于儿子的华文不及格也不以为意,甚至打算移民来解决华文不好的问题。Her husband Calvin Soh 苏智诚 is 典型的小男人,性格低调,由于老婆强势,于是采取退让,什么都听老 婆的,口头禅是“我看很难”。和隔壁的新移民有交流,发展出一段纯洁的友情,彼此相知相惜,却引起Angelina的误会,差点闹成婚变。

Vivian Lai 赖怡伶 plays 来自中国美发师。勤劳节俭,性格刚毅,遇到困难不会退缩,只要不是踩到她的尾巴,这个人基本上是可爱的。来到本地后,在生活上感觉格格不入,一来就和Angelina发生冲突,可是却和她丈夫德良惺惺相惜,展开一段友谊。Her husband is the now very popular ‘阿德/德哥’ 孔祥德 from Mark Lee’s 国记交意所, 来自广州,娶了中国妻子,摄像师,已经是本地PR。沈默寡言,可是火山偶尔还是会爆发,威力惊人。努力工作,但由于生 活压力,养成自扫门前雪的性格,是个面恶心善的汉子。

Aileen Tan 陈丽贞 is Lucy, who is 散工风韵犹存,性格大喇喇, 对大发情有独钟,这么多年来对他不离不弃,一心想嫁给大发,无奈他心里始终有老婆,而拒绝她。后来… Hong Hui Fang 洪慧芳 is 天胡母亲, a 懂得保养,看起来不像实际年龄富太太…

Brandon Wong 黄炯耀 is 单身,房东兼经营鸡饭摊,外号神经刀。孤僻又带点神经质,喜欢刀,凡事爱斤斤计较,处处爱跟人做对,不予人方便,口头禅是“你说对不对?”. This drama will also introduce a new Star Search newbie Sora Ma 马艺瑄 as Calvin’s sister, a 外国留学生,乐观开朗,有话直说,对谁都不卖帐,爱憎分明。看不惯大哥顺着老婆和对父母的态度,常常闹得不欢而散。佩君原本在国外留学工作,回国看看,后来认识了洋男友,竟然留下来不走,放弃了国外的优渥工作,让两老又喜又忧。可是和洋人的恋情不被家人接受,加上暗恋她的‘神经刀’极力阻止破坏,让她苦恼不已。

‘Love Thy Neighbour 四个门牌一个梦’ (20 episodes) is written by 王尤红/林锦兰/刘清盆 and 王尤红 is the Executive Producer. Production begins in June and telecast from 27 September at 9pm on Channel 8.

Credit to BaguaTV Blog