Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sunday, February 14, 2010

David Gan's Blog : My 3 favourite PRINCESSES!

It’s been a hectic month since I got back from Beijing. Apart from decorating and getting my hands dirty with the final touches of the salon, I’ve also been busy shooting 3 different magazine covers with my 3 little princesses.

I love working with all three of them. All of them have such different and unique personality. One is timid, the other is straight forward and the last doesn’t care much about anything. But no matter what kind of personality they have or an artiste has for that matters, you have to be responsible for your actions and appearance. When you choose to be a star, you’ll always be seen even when you don’t notice it. I’ve mentioned this many times on my blog, appearance is everything when you’re a celebrity. Inner beauty means horse shit in the entertainment industry because no one can see inner beauty on screen nor will they be able to hear inner beauty on air? So if there are still people out there who believe in this fairy tale, please come back down to earth because in reality no one cares about what kind of person you are inside! Even if you were the nicest most genuine person on earth, you’re not going to fly far in this superficial world if you look like crap! Bottom line is, be responsible because you don’t just answer to yourself now. You are representing Singapore and we definitely do not want to look like amateurs in comparison to our Asian comrades.

In my opinion, Joanne Peh has the perfect character and drive to be the next big thing. I hope ‘they’ don’t try to force her into common hood because celebrities are not meant to be like everyone else. They are meant to be handled with care and treated like royalty. I love all 3 of them dearly and I wish them all the best in this New Year and hope they will soon become the next Fann and Zoe of the new generation.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Felicia Chin talk about smoking and her father

陈靓瑄上节目玩游戏 不小心露胸罩。














Credit to SPH OMY

Monday, February 8, 2010

Paul Chan's Blog : Will DYT Fall for Felicia? 戴阳天与陈靓瑄有可能吗?(新剧‘游梦琴真’结情缘)

First, it was 郭舒贤 Ann Kok. Then it was 欧萱 Jeanette Aw. But he ever once revealed way back then that he finds 陈靓瑄 Felicia Chin someone he could really open his heart to…(watch out 张耀栋 Zhang Yao Dong!). Finally, they will have all the time together to develop their feelings as both will be in a new idol sports drama: ‘Splashes & Strings 游梦琴真’.

陈靓瑄 Felicia Chin ‘东山再起’ and will now play the lead role nicknamed ‘蜜蜂姐姐’游泳儿. 乐观积极、神经大条、不拘小节、可以在大庭广众面前打呵欠和打嗝。平日半工半读,凡是能赚钱的工作,从都不放过,加上有个整天惹祸,需要她补祸的父亲游山,更是让她十分忙绿,所以有了个外号叫“蜜蜂姐姐”,不过这也培养了她超强的适应能力,无论何处,都可以睡得着,而且时间一到,生理时钟便很自然地把她叫醒。进入国家泳队是她一生的梦想,所以不管她有多累,不管遇到什么困难,她还是屡败屡战,始终没有放弃。

戴阳天 Dai Yang Tian finally landed a real idol role as 王子乐 (even the name sounds so ‘idol’) – a 帅酷音乐系学生(主修大提琴 cello). 为人慢热、不懂得和人沟通,在不认识的人眼中,看起来十分酷,实则是个温柔、没脾气的男人。对音乐执着,从小立志要做个大提琴家。由于他的父亲自己无法完成他的画家梦,所以自小就对子乐的音乐梦非常支持,但子乐始终缺临门一脚,无法脱颖而出。耳朵极为敏感,可以分辨远处传来的声音,是他引以为豪的地方。对女友就像对音乐一样一心一意,是大家公认的金童玉女,不料女友竟然背叛他,让他受到了极大的打击…

黄俊雄 Elvin Ng just can’t get DYT off his back lor…It started with ‘Together’ and he will have to live with it for the whole of Star Awards (both nominated for Best Actor) and this drama. 小名“阳阳”欧天阳,为人贴心、善解人意、幽默风趣、天生的领导者,是个文武双全的阳光型男孩,人们眼中的完美情人,可是在处理感情方面却显得有些优柔寡断。除了教风帆之外,对网上投资股票也颇有心得,导致他的野心扩大,岂料计算错误,欠下大笔债务。自尊心强的他不愿意让亲近的人知道自己的惨况,险些做出了昧着良心的事… Guess Elvin will be topless most of the time and flaunting his bods as the 教风帆 trainer lor…

More on other roles when I get hold of the full cast list but these 3 leading stars are confirmed…’Splashes & Strings 游梦琴真’ will debut on 7 July on Channel 8 (story by 陈耀/谢俊源 and Executive Producer: 谢敏洋). The English and Chinese titles are just tentative working titles, if you have any better title/s, please suggest (I love those Taiwanese idol drama titles )…

Friday, February 5, 2010

张耀栋女人缘好 虎年难与陈靓瑄成对?





陈靓瑄小人多 演艺事业下滑?














Credits : Xin.Sg